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Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Alhamdulillah, the 10th University Malaysia Perlis Convocation held on the 19th  to 21st  September had successfully ended.  UniMAP has successfully supplied ten cohorts of graduates for the nation’s human capital needs.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the 2,075 graduates who have successfully graduated at this convocation. I wish you all success in life.

UniMAP has existed for 14 years, and this convocation has paved history as it was held at Dewan Ilmu for the first time and, for the first time too, five sessions were conducted. My heartiest congratulations also goes to the entire secretariat who had worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth operation of this convocation.

This month also host another important event as the 2015 Public University Autonomous Readiness Audit (AKA) will be conducted by experts and auditors from The Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC).

The purpose of the audit is to award autonomy, which is the hand over of responsibilities to the university, in order to make effective decisions in achieving excellence in the higher education agenda by upholding the principles of integrity and accountability.

Among the aspects that will be audited are Institutional Governance, Finance, Human Resources and Academic. Let us pray together for the smooth running of this audit process and hope that UniMAP will be awarded with the autonomous status.

Before ending my message, I would like to thank the UniMAP Board of Directors and everyone from UniMAP for trusting me with the title of Professor Emeritus at the Special Convocation recently. I truly believe that this is not the result of my efforts alone, but it is the contributions of everyone from UniMAP in upholding the name of the university that we all care about. Only Allah Aza Wajalla can repay all of you.



Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Taala Wabarakatuh