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DMNC August 2015


DMNC August 2015


Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Alhamdulillah and our gratitude to Allah the Almighty for the opportunity to able to address you once more in the August edition of From The Vice Chancellor's Desk column.

This issue, I would like to share some thoughts on the prudent and ethical use of social media. Personally I am saddened by the misuse of social websites in the community which today is at a worrying state.

I am certain all of you are aware by viewing, reading and hearing of the harsh critiques and comments made by a small number of the populace on national issues.

Some websites were created for the purpose of blind accusations, ridicules, lambastes and insults without checking the sources on the matter. Everyone employs Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram and Twitter to express dissatisfaction to other parties without thinking of the effects of such acts.

I feel that the existence of this group burgeoned from a group of individuals who are dissatisfied and ungrateful with what they have enjoyed all this while. For them any measures taken by the government or government agency is wrong. Even more disappointing is when they place full blame squarely on the government for any unfortunate incidents.

I would like to call for everyone to think for a minute on whether the accusations on social media are true. Are they backed by facts, proof and clear justifications? Is it fair for us to point fingers blaming the government while the society has also clearly contributed to the issue.

Logically, what could the benefits be from such acts? Accusing only the government of wrongdoings? It is undeniable that in every organisation there are administrative weaknesses, but please do comment on them with prudence so the parties involved would be able to eliminate their weaknesses and increase the quality of their service.

I am mystified by how easily and swiftly we make assumptions before we investigate in detail what really happened. This culture of finger-pointing and blaming others, as well as making conclusions based on hearsay and social media rumour is unhealthy, unethical and unprofessional.

This clearly displays the lack of knowledge and wisdom of the individuals involved. It also reveals as if these parties have a hidden agenda to continue pummelling and dismantle the government's good image. This is because these groups and individuals take immediate advantage of an issue or a tragedy, making conclusions and assumptions while wrongfully accusing the government.

If we are to be sincere in helping, we should cooperate together with the government to weather conflicts and calamities. What harm is there for us to comment and critique tactfully, sincerely and maturely.

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Taala Wabarakatuh.