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DMNC Jan 2016-eng

From the Vice Chancellor's Desk

Januari 2016

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and Salam Sehati Sejiwa

Salam Ilmu, Keikhlasan, Kecemerlangan UniMAP

Alhamdulillah, I am thankful to Allah Azza Wajalla for his grace in giving us chance to welcome the year of 2016.

I wish everbody Happy New Year, may this year bring more success to all of us.

Time flies, and now we are in the year of 2016, where everthing is fast paced. As an individual, we need to stay positive and also to continuously making effort to improve and to move forward.

Looking back over the years, I am sure each of us has several things that we wished to improve on, from old habit or negative behavior to a whole new resolution. However, the most important thing to note is when to start and how to make it all happen.

UniMAP, too will start 2016 with a new resolution to move at part with seven key performance indexes (KPI) set by the Ministry of Education (KPT).

In response to new challenges, UniMAP is commited to achieve the KPI through all the initiatives that has been arranged and planned in order to face the challenging 2016. Cooperation and commitment from all is vital to achieve the university's aims and goals. In the beginning of this New Year, i am hoping for us to put our hands together and make it happen.

My hopes and wishes will be to all UniMAP staff and academicians, let's work together to positively change our attitude, mindset, habits and working practices for the better. This is to ensure UniMAP is still able to always play its role in educating our nation's gems.